NOVEMBER- Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM) 2022.
This year’s DRAM theme is titled «Empowering Persons with Disabilities through Resourceful, Sustainable and Safe Environments.»
The 2022 international theme is «Not all disabilities are visible.»
This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of resolving existing barriers to disability inclusion by ensuring resourceful, sustainable and safe environments for and with persons with disabilities and also especially recognizes that not all disabilities are visible.
According to statistics, people with disabilities continue to face a number of challenges, including, but not limited to, severe unemployment; poverty and inequality.
In line with the theme, the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities will coordinate the activities and government departments will also implement the identified activities according to the schedule. Among the activities identified is the Economic Empowerment Summit for Persons with Disabilities.
The Summit will explore available business and trade opportunities and explore solutions to address barriers to access for people with disabilities in the mainstream economy.
The Summit will also feature an exhibition to showcase innovation by and for people with disabilities.
These activities are part of the Government’s Disability Rights Awareness Campaign as part of the 365 Days on Disabilities Calendar to create more awareness on disabilities, showcase the gaps and challenges experienced in the provision of services for persons with disabilities, showcase the progress and achievements to date. by the government in line with the MTSF priorities and forge new partnerships between persons with and without disabilities to support social cohesion towards the realization of disability inclusion in all our programs and all aspects of society.